Sunday, March 11, 2012

? ------>>>> ?

It was over..
Supposed to be over..
or at least it was....
Until you decided otherwise.

It was over..
Until I found all the pieces of ma broken heart..
or at least until I fixed them like a jigsaw..
But they never seem to fit the same...
Until you decided to crush it again.

It was over..
When you decided not letting me think so..
or at least I thought it was...
Until you decided to trick me again.

It is supposed to be over...
My heart was crushed for another...
Until you decided to shatter my crushed heart..

What is left for me?????

~Let go?~

Time passed...
To heal those wounds...
You caused knowingly....
Just as I nursed it back....
You scrapped it off again...
Just in case you don't know....
It hurts....a lot...

It has scars...Ugly scars....
Scars that make me weep....
It hurts...Just for you to know...


You came. 
Made me smile. 
Made me feel special. 
Made me feel like a complete woman.

But you,
Made me cry,
Stole my heart,
Broke my heart,
And never returned it....